Lube Oil Care Marine Diesel Engines (4-stroke) | Supply Vessel

Customer Case

Marine Diesel Engines

Ship: Supply ship

Engines: BERGEN, 2,500 kW/750 rpm (2 units), 4-stroke diesel engines


Test: Centrifuge vs CJC® lube oil filter

Test period: > 10,000 operating hours

Test start: at 144,992 operating hours

Test end: at 155,123 operating hours

Conventional lubricating oil treatment: One centrifuge (lubricating oil separator) per engine. Volume flow: 550-810 l/hour.

Newly installed CJC® Lube Oil Filter: During the test period, a CJC® Lube Oil Filter 27/108 was installed on one of the two engines (ME 2) for continuous fine filtration and dewatering (24/7/365). The automatic temperature controlled flow ensures optimum operation and the highest filtration efficiency. Pump flow: 1,150 L per hour (0.3 L/kW) nominal

CJC oil care system, Marine Diesel Engine, centrifuge
oil care system, lube oil care, marine diesel engine

Savings benefits

Approx. 97.5% lower energyconsumption≅ 229,774 kW/year and centrifuge

  • ME 1 with centrifuge, energy consumption ≅ 235,468 kW (26,88 kW for operation + preheater)
  • ME 2 with CJC® Lube Oil Filter, energy consumption ≅ 5,694 kW (0.65 kW for operation)

Approx. 97.8% less CO2 emissions ≅ 159,649 kg/year and centrifuge saved

The combustion of 1 liter of diesel or thermal disposal of 1 liter of waste oil/oil sludge produces approx. 2.6 kg of CO2.

Lower energy consumption:

  • ME 1 with centrifuge ≅ 143,246 kg CO2
  • ME 2 with CJC® Lube Oil Filter ≅ 3,463 kg CO2*)
*) Based on consumption of approx. 187 g fuel per kWh.

Lower amount of sludge to be disposed of:

  • ME 1 with centrifuge ≅ 19,929 kg CO2
  • ME 2 with CJC® Lube Oil Filter ≅ 62.4 kg CO2

Approx. 99.7 % less oil sludge ≅ 7,641 liters/year and centrifuge

  • ME 1 with centrifuge, discharge of sludge ≅ 7,650 Litres
  • ME 2 with CJC® Lube Oil Filter, filter insert replacement ≅ 24 Litres

Approx. 60 % less lubricating oil consumption ≅ 8,940 liters/year and centrifuge

  • ME 1 with centrifuge, discharge and diesel engine ≅ 14,900 Litres
  • ME 2 with CJC® Lube Oil Filter, filter insert replacement and diesel engine ≅ 5.960 Litres

Approx. 60 % fewer person hours ≅ 8 hours/year and centrifuge

  • ME 1 with centrifuge, Ø time for maintenance ≈ 20 hours
  • ME 2 with CJC® Lube Oil Filter, Ø time for maintenance ≈ 12 hours

Approx. 86.25 % less operating costs ≅ EUR 30,199/year and centrifuge

Specific lubricating oil consumption (SLOC) at maximum power (MCR)
ME1 engine with lubricating oil separator ME2 engine with CJC ® Lube Oil Filter
SLOCMCR* [g/kWh] 0,71 0,28
*SLOC = Specific Lube Oil Consumption MCR = Maximum Continuous Rating (maximum performance)
Operating costs/year (359 working days, approx. 8,616 hours per year) Lubricating oil separator CJC ® Lube Oil Filter
Oil costs [1,97 EUR/l] 15.090 EUR 48 EUR
Energy costs [0,08 EUR/kWh] EUR 18,535 EUR 465
Disposal costs [0,12 EUR/l]

Sludge, filter inserts
950 EUR 120 EUR
Maintenance costs 440 EUR 4.183 EUR
Total costs 35,015 EUR 4,816 EUR
Annual savings 30.199 EUR

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Andreas Mann
Andreas MannKey Account Manager - Marine Segment