Hydraulic oil care | Pontoon excavator LIEBHERR P955 Litronic

Customer Case

System — Pontoon excavator

Liebherr P 995 Litronic pontoon excavator Oil type: Biohydraulic oil (HEES) ISO VG 46 Volume: 6,400 litres


The pontoon excavator’s hydraulic system is subject to heavy loads due to the area of use, with regular dirt and water ingress. Despite a filter already installed on the excavator to remove water and particles, the oil was heavily contaminated. The condition of the oil deteriorated steadily, after 7,500 hours of operation, the oil reached a cleanliness class (ISO code) of 21/20/18 and a water content of 515 ppm (see table). After the pump system failed, the operator decided to carry out a test run with a CJC® Hydraulic Filter.

hydraulic oil care, pontoon excavator liebherr p995 litronic

LIEBHERR P 995 Litronic pontoon excavator on stilted pontoon

Solution: CJC® Hydraulic Filter

The customer opted for a test run with a CJC® Hydraulic Filter for continuous hydraulic oil maintenance and drying (24/7).

Dirt holding capacity: approx. 8 kg Water holding capacity: > 3.6 liters Filtration degree: 3 µm absolute, retention rate 1 µm Filter material: 100 % natural fibres

After 7,500 operating hours, the old filter system was dismantled and the test with the CJC® Hydraulic Filter was started. In the following months, an oil sample was taken and analyzed every 500 operating hours.

cjc hydraulic filter installed on pontoon excavator liebherr p995 litronic

CJC® Hydraulic Filter installed on the pontoon excavator type LIEBHERR P995 Litronic

Result of hydraulic oil care

After 2 months (1,000 operating hours) of continuous filtration in the bypass flow, the oil cleanliness class improved from ISO 21/20/18 to 19/16/12 and after a further 2-3 months (1,500 operating hours) to 15/13/10. The water content fell from 515 to 107 ppm. Because of the achieved result the oil life time will be extended and the hydraulic system will be protected against wear, a lot of costs will be saved and the environment will be spared. After this positive test run, the CJC® hydraulic filter was put into operation on the excavator.

Operating hours ISO 4406 water [ppm]
7.000 21/19/15 311
7,500 (CJC® hydraulic filter installation) 21/20/18 515
8.000 21/19/17 531
8.500 19/16/12 404
9.000 18/16/12 380
9.500 16/15/11 368
10.000 15/13/10 107
particle content in biooil hees, hydraulic oil care, pontoon excavator liebherr p995 litronic
water content in biooil hees, hydraulic oil care, pontoon excavator liebherr p995 litronic

Savings per year

Simply by extending the oil change interval:

  • > 6,400 litres of biohydraulic oil HEES
  • approx. 12,864 EUR oil costs (2.01 EUR/L)
  • approx. 30,720 kgCO2
hydraulic oil care, pontoon excavator liebherr p995 litronic

Maintaining hydraulic oil instead of changing it also protects the environment and conserves resources:

  • less fresh oil
  • less used oil andCO2> 30.7 tons ofCO2 saved per avoided oil change (6,400 liters) *)
*) The thermal disposal of waste oil produces approx. 4.8 kgof CO2 per 1 liter.

Customer comment

“We are very satisfied with how the test went and intend to install more CJC® fine filter systems.” Josef Möbius Bau-Aktiengesellschaft

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Andreas Mann
Andreas MannKey Account Manager - Marine Segment