Gear Oil Care, Thruster | Tug

Customer Case

System: Thruster

Vessel: Tugboat “BUGSIER-4”
Thruster: Wärtsilä LCT CS225-S/WN-K 1,600 kW at 1,000 rpm
Transmission oil: Shell Omala S2 GX 150
Classification: CLP DIN 51517-3
Oil volume: 1,500 liters
Motor running time: approx. 17,315 operating hours (bh) at the start of the test
Operating hours per year: approx. 1,548 hours


Continuous entry of water into the oil system of the thruster drive unit gearbox. Already only 66 RHS after the last, complete oil change, the water content in the gear oil was 1,080 ppm (> 0.1 %) and after a further 179 Bh 2,033 ppm (> 0.2 %). The shipping company was looking for a system that would reduce the water content efficiently and reliably within a short time, as well as being able to keep the water content at a permanently low level, even with a high water input.

Gear oil filtration, thrusters, harbour tug


Solution: CJC® Thruster Filter

A CJC® Thruster Filter consisting of Desorber D5 and oil maintenance system 15/25 was installed for test purposes. The in-house pump unit ensures continuous dewatering, fine filtration and maintenance of the gear oil (24/7/365). Water – free, emulsified and dissolved – as well as particles, oil degradation products and acids are removed from the gear oil with maximum efficiency.

Water separation capacity: permanent
Dirt holding capacity: approx. 1.1 kg
Filtration degree: 3 µm absolute, 1 µm nominal
Filter material: 100% natural fibers (cellulose)

gear oil filter for thrusters, harbour tug

CJC® Desorber D5 combined with a CJC® Oil Care System for gear oil care installed on the thruster

Result of gear oil care

The CJC® Thruster filter has reduced the water content from 903 ppm (0.09%) to 109 ppm (0.01%). The zero sample and the oil sample, which were taken two months later, were analyzed by the oil manufacturer’s oil laboratory (Shell LubeAnalyst). The CJC® Thruster Filter removes free (2 phases), emulsified and dissolved water from the oil (not visible). This is important because dissolved water can be released during pressure and temperature fluctuations and is then just as harmful as free or emulsified water. Minimizing the water content – not only reducing it to the saturation limit (max. 800 ppm for CLP oils) – is essential to avoid abnormal wear, corrosion, cavitation, the impairment of lubricity, and accelerated oil degradation and thus premature oil changes.

Water content in ppm

Engine oil filtration, water content before and after cjc, thruster
Before starting the test With CJC® Thruster Filter
Operating hours since oil change 66 152 245 858 1.098
Water content (KF), ppm 1.080 1.752 2.033 903 109
Viscosity in cSt at 40 °C 155,1 153,6 155 154,5 154,5

Savings and Benefits

By installing the CJC® Thruster Filter and achieving the highest oil purity, our customer benefits from the following advantages:

  • less wear
  • fewer unplanned downtimes and off-hire times
  • fewer losses
Improving the CO2 footprint

Further advantages:

Longer oil change intervals lead to high savings and at the same time protect the environment and conserve resources:

  • less fresh oil
  • less waste oil andCO2approx. 7,200 kg lessCO2 emissions per saved oil change (1,500 liters) *)
*) The thermal disposal of waste oil produces approx. 4.8 kgof CO2 per 1 liter.

Customer comment

“It was only with the CJC® Thruster Filter that the transmission oil could finally be dried satisfactorily. Without CJC® we would have had to change the 1,500 liters of transmission oil soon. By avoiding the oil change, we were able to save EUR 4,890 (EUR 3.26/liter) — an important contribution not only in terms of budget, but also in terms of resource conservation. The excellent results convinced us, so we decided to purchase two identical CJC® systems for our “Bugsier 5” and “Bugsier 6″ tractors.”

Technical Superintendent “BUGSIER-4”

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Andreas Mann
Andreas MannKey Account Manager - Marine Segment